Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies

BAF42- DE Bachelor of Accounting and Finance Fourth Year S2 Online [baf4r2-_de.ics]
(26/08/2022 - 16/10/2022)
27/08/2022SatBFS441/BAC441 - Financial Modelling and Forecasting BFS322/BAF422 - Treasury Management       
28/08/2022SunBFS342/BAF412 - Regulations in Financial Services          
03/09/2022SatBAC432/BAF432 - Innovation and Entrepreneurship          
04/09/2022SunBFS322/BAF422 - Treasury Management BFS342/BAF412 - Regulations in Financial Services       
09/09/2022Fri         BFS342/BAF412 - Regulations in Financial Services 
10/09/2022Sat      BFS322/BAF422 - Treasury Management    
11/09/2022SunBAC432/BAF432 - Innovation and Entrepreneurship          
17/09/2022SatBAC432/BAF432 - Innovation and Entrepreneurship    BFS342/BAF412 - Regulations in Financial Services BFS441/BAC441 - Financial Modelling and Forecasting 
18/09/2022Sun      BFS322/BAF422 - Treasury Management    
24/09/2022SatBAC432/BAF432 - Innovation and Entrepreneurship       BFS342/BAF412 - Regulations in Financial Services 
25/09/2022Sun   BFS322/BAF422 - Treasury Management       
01/10/2022Sat         BAC432/BAF432 - Innovation and Entrepreneurship 
02/10/2022SunBFS441/BAC441 - Financial Modelling and Forecasting  BFS342/BAF412 - Regulations in Financial Services   BFS322/BAF422 - Treasury Management 
08/10/2022Sat      BAC432/BAF432 - Innovation and Entrepreneurship    
09/10/2022SunBFS322/BAF422 - Treasury Management BFS441/BAC441 - Financial Modelling and Forecasting BFS342/BAF412 - Regulations in Financial Services    
14/10/2022Fri         BFS441/BAC441 - Financial Modelling and Forecasting 
15/10/2022Sat   BFS322/BAF422 - Treasury Management       
16/10/2022Sun   BAC432/BAF432 - Innovation and Entrepreneurship BFS342/BAF412 - Regulations in Financial Services    

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.10 (28/09/2022 11:34)