Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies

BCE42 - Bachelor of Computing with Education Fourth Year [bce42.ics]
(26/08/2022 - 16/10/2022)
27/08/2022SatBAE441/EDU441 - Accounting Teaching Methods III BCE432 - Advanced Object Oriented Programming       
28/08/2022Sun   BIT342/BCE431 - Website Development/Web Engineering    BCE442/EDU422 - Curriculum Theory and Practice 
02/09/2022Fri         BCE432 - Advanced Object Oriented Programming 
03/09/2022SatBIT342/BCE431 - Website Development/Web Engineering BCE411/BCS232 - Computer Security/Data Security/Internet and Security       
04/09/2022SunBCE442/EDU422 - Curriculum Theory and Practice BAE441/EDU441 - Accounting Teaching Methods III       
10/09/2022SatBIT342/BCE431 - Website Development/Web Engineering BCE432 - Advanced Object Oriented Programming BAE441/EDU441 - Accounting Teaching Methods III BCE411/BCS232 - Computer Security/Data Security/Internet and Security 
11/09/2022SunBCE412/BBC411 - Advanced Database/DDM/DMAODE    BCE442/EDU422 - Curriculum Theory and Practice    
16/09/2022Fri         BAE441/EDU441 - Accounting Teaching Methods III 
17/09/2022Sat   BCE442/EDU422 - Curriculum Theory and Practice BCE411/BCS232 - Computer Security/Data Security/Internet and Security BIT342/BCE431 - Website Development/Web Engineering 
18/09/2022SunBCE412/BBC411 - Advanced Database/DDM/DMAODE    BCE432 - Advanced Object Oriented Programming    
24/09/2022SatBCE411/BCS232 - Computer Security/Data Security/Internet and Security       BCE412/BBC411 - Advanced Database/DDM/DMAODE 
25/09/2022SunBCE432 - Advanced Object Oriented Programming BIT342/BCE431 - Website Development/Web Engineering BAE441/EDU441 - Accounting Teaching Methods III BCE442/EDU422 - Curriculum Theory and Practice 
30/09/2022Fri         BIT342/BCE431 - Website Development/Web Engineering 
01/10/2022Sat         BCE432 - Advanced Object Oriented Programming 
02/10/2022SunBAE441/EDU441 - Accounting Teaching Methods III BCE412/BBC411 - Advanced Database/DDM/DMAODE BCE442/EDU422 - Curriculum Theory and Practice BCE411/BCS232 - Computer Security/Data Security/Internet and Security 
08/10/2022SatBCE442/EDU422 - Curriculum Theory and Practice BAE441/EDU441 - Accounting Teaching Methods III BCE412/BBC411 - Advanced Database/DDM/DMAODE BCE432 - Advanced Object Oriented Programming 
09/10/2022SunBIT342/BCE431 - Website Development/Web Engineering BCE411/BCS232 - Computer Security/Data Security/Internet and Security       
15/10/2022SatBIT342/BCE431 - Website Development/Web Engineering    BCE432 - Advanced Object Oriented Programming BAE441/EDU441 - Accounting Teaching Methods III 
16/10/2022SunBCE411/BCS232 - Computer Security/Data Security/Internet and Security BCE412/BBC411 - Advanced Database/DDM/DMAODE BCE442/EDU422 - Curriculum Theory and Practice    

Mimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling SoftwareMimosa Scheduling Software Version 7.1.10 (28/09/2022 11:34)